Mr Physique

In 2017, we launched Mr Physique at the FIT Park. This event promotes health and fitness through a regional competition bringing together competitors from all over the Caribbean.

Participants are required to present an athletic, symmetrical and fit physique and have to demonstrate overall conditioning and symmetry to their body with defined muscles. Excessive muscularity is scored down as competitors are required not to cross the line into bodybuilding.

The competition is divided into three rounds:

Introductory Round – this is an ice-breaker that enables all participants to introduce themselves

Presentation – in this round competitors are required to walk to the center of the stage alone and perform quarter turns with an optional pose of hand on hip or hand in pocket.

Comparison – in this group competitors are directed to do quarter turns. Judges then have the opportunity to compare contestants.

In 2018, eighteen men from across the Caribbean participated. The islands represented included Cuba, Anguilla, St Kitts, Virgin Islands and more, with Anguilla, represented by Lewis Macwhirr, coming out on top and taking the crown.

Are you interested in taking part in Mr Physique in 2019? Then please do get in touch with us.

You can view pictures from Mr Physique 2018 here.