Hon Hazel Brandy-Williams Joins Our National Weight Loss Campaign

We’re absolutely delighted to share that Hon. Hazel Brandy-Williams, the Junior Minister for Health in Nevis, has joined our National Weight Loss Campaign.


Hon Brandy-Williams will be leading by example and allowing the cameras to follow her journey as she endeavours to lose weight and get fit and healthy.


Find out more about day 1 of Hon Brandy-Williams’ journey and why she decided to take part in the video below.


You can join too by registering here


Our Director, David Walwyn, Interviewed About Our Upcoming National Weight Loss Campaign

Our Director, David Walwyn, was recently interviewed by the media about our upcoming National Weight Loss Campaign, which gets started on Saturday 26th January, 2019.


This interview was covered by Nevis Pages, you can read this article below, and to register for the National Weight Loss Campaign, please visit the sign-up page here




Article by Nevis Pages:


David Walwyn of the Fit Wellness Center on Nevis, in a recent interview, explained that the National Weight loss campaign will be officially launched at the Fit Park, on the 26th of January.


This follows an official media launch late last year, which basically introduced the proposed program to the general public.


The major health related project is a collaborative effort between the Fit Wellness Center and the Ministry of Health, under the leadership of the Hon. Hazel Brandy Williams, the Minister responsible for that significant Ministry.


Walwyn explained that the main goal of the upcoming campaign is to ensure drastic weight loss in as many affected individuals across the island, as it is a well-known fact that an alarming number of persons on the island are obese and grossly overweight.


Hence the resulting huge numbers of hospital admissions and resulting deaths from the various non communicable diseases and related complications such as hypertension, diabetes; kidney failure etc.


The Hon. Hazel Brandy Williams has purposed in her heart to break this vicious cycle and has teamed up her Ministry with the FIT Wellness Center, to seek to break this scourge and the two main areas of concern in the program, will be PROPER NUTRITION, which will seek to break the habit of the American styled diet, as persons locally are eating too much processed foods and EXERCISE, which will seek to break the trend of inactivity, among many of the residents on the island.


In so doing, a collective figure of the number of pounds to be lost during the campaign, will be set as an initial target.


Hon. Hazel Brandy Williams will be leading by example and has already REGISTERED FOR THE PROGRAM and her progress will be closely monitored on social media, to the point where her private life will not be so private anymore, as her exercise program and eating habits will be closely monitored and her weight loss progress will be closely monitored and publicized.
Minister Brandy Williams is hoping that many persons on the island will follow suit, as the national campaign is absolute FREE OF COST and involves quite a number of medical professionals who will be there to assist and assess persons on the program, giving free advice and counselling as regards exercise and diet and even psychological counselling where necessary.


Interested persons can register on line here


The program will involve lecture session; exercise programs and a host of fun activities and persons will be continually monitored and assessed as regards their general progress and an official assessment will be conducted at the end of the first six months.


Interested persons are urged to use the opportunity to register quickly as this may be the difference between a life of pain and misery and a healthy lifestyle.